Thus, we should take into consideration the fact that the concept of sustainable development may be difficult to understand and may have different meaning dependending on the analyzed literature on the concept in which it is used. ����/��"������%������I�������%������������������y������K� ������H%K8����"?��~��C��������J�W�����I%��������*K$?���������������;�����ւ��������J����������������k�B�������]`��������K������� p������T�q���������Z[����N���֗^������U������k��^�����t�D,|����
$#��]��P�넶. The ecological component of the lasting development, ASPECTS CONCERNING THE RISK EVALUATION - CASE STUDY IN A ROMANIAN COMPANY. 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 278 564 564 564 444 Sociologie Si Stiinte Politice, Probleme Filosofice si Metodologice ale Dezvoltarii Durabile, Munasinghe, M., (1993). 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 333 333 675 675 675 500 << /Type /Annot Doing, cape, a place of leisure and recreational activities, be. management; the economics of small and medium-sized enterprises; The paper analyses the relationship between the strategy of sustainable development of EU and the Lisbon Agenda. /A << /S /URI /URI ( >> In this context sustainable development. Los resultados fueron contrastados con conceptos encontrados en la literatura relevante sobre competitividad empresarial. -450 students receiving information and professional counseling activities for easier integration into the labor market The objectives of sustainable development, All figure content in this area was uploaded by Alin Emanuel Artene, The Objectives of Sustainable Development - Ways to Achieve Welfare.pdf, All content in this area was uploaded by Alin Emanuel Artene on Feb 04, 2016, The Objectives of Sustainable Development - Ways to Achieve W, 2212-5671 © 2015 The Authors. Environmental economics and sustainable development, World Bank Publications Everybody has the right to a healthy, clean and safe environment. The evolution of the concept of sustainable development [27,28] brings us closer to the notion of sustainable tourism or sustainable events. Article shared by : ADVERTISEMENTS: This article throws light on the five major objectives of social research, i.e, (1) Manipulation of Things, Concepts and Symbols, (2) Generalization, (3) Verification of Old Facts, (4) Extension of Knowledge, and (5) Knowledge May … /Subtype /Link Among them a special place, it is -100 students prepared to improve the results of the baccalaureate 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 333 333 570 570 570 500 Hallazgo: Las observaciones realizadas sugieren que el nivel de productividad y las capacidades competitivas de las unidades productivas se ven influenciadas por factores derivados de las expresiones territoriales que a su vez inciden en el desarrollo de los procesos productivos. To aware the people. Importance to the development at grassroots level. Sociologie Si Stiinte Politice, Dear colleagues, 333 500 500 444 500 444 278 500 500 278 278 444 278 722 500 500 As the objectives, descriptions of the concept of sustainable development are analyzed and classified. 920 611 611 667 722 611 611 722 722 333 444 667 556 833 667 722 social/collective/collective (as a member of some social groups), rational/psychological/spiritual (induced by internal traits, particular to one human being). << As a general concept, sustainable development encompasses three fundamental approaches: economic, environmental, and social development, which are interrelated and complementary. portfolio of bonds, and the steps taken in achieving this objective. ss to future generations is that welfare while never drops. entrepreneurship and innovation; financial management and financial governance; strategic 2 0 obj The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of the event stakeholders toward sports events, with a particular focus on the role of residents in a tourist destination. We tend to think that the analysis of sustainable development should be based on the assumption, indicating that sustainable development is based not on economic, social, ecological, or institutional dimensions, but rather on their system as an integrated whole. But when it comes to the perceptions regarding the territory, the groups of stakeholders analyzed do not seem to have systematically different opinions. /Subtype /Image a company. Applying a mixed methodology, the study analyzes the stakeholders during the sports event (quantitative method) and the point of view of the residents in their stakeholder role after the sports event (qualitative method). 611 611 611 611 611 611 889 667 611 611 611 611 333 333 333 333 The social contents: The social contents c onsider the level of development in the society. If such solutions are, means that it is necessary to intervene upstream on the. 250 389 500 500 500 500 275 500 333 760 276 500 675 333 760 500 Focused on, but not limited to: management of innovation; business process management; 444 444 444 444 444 444 667 444 444 444 444 444 278 278 278 278 Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. /Height 147 analysis of the risk evaluation models and an emprical study in 225 da Constituição Federal poderá, se aprovado nas condições expostas, criará um dos maiores retrocessos ambientais do sistema de política ambiental no Brasil, refletindo um descompasso com o Desenvolvimento Sustentável mundial, que preza pela maior ampliação de proteção ambiental com foco na participação social e na sinergia da administração pública. 556 556 444 389 333 556 500 722 500 500 444 394 220 394 520 778 social system, especially over how to distribute the benefits. Bejan, M., & Rusu, T., (2007). It is a uniquely designed question Bank built on Ramesh Singh’s bestselling title - Indian Economy. Official bodies such as the, ironment protection authorities worldwide, EU, UN an, d World Commission on Environment and Develop, able 1 shows the evolution of the concept, Brief definition of sustainable development. ptimal, which is not a sustainable way though it is one of survival. >> /Length 795 So administration of development involves following objectives: Innovation at all levels of planning. Consequently, the efficiency criterion defines an efficient portfolio the one that for a given value of return rate of return or minimizes variance for a given variance of return, maximizes its hope. 500 500 500 500 500 500 667 444 444 444 444 444 278 278 278 278 It enables every human being to live life along the principles like equality, equal opportunity, equity, ability to use one’s rights, and many others cherished by the great and the Politehnica University of Timisoara (Romania) and West University of Timisoara (Romania) organize The report had a powerful impact on the concept of economic development, it contributed to the relocation of the concept of needs within the limits of the thinking that unidirectional development which produces only to assure economic, We think that a careful and objective examination of the events, phenomena and processes of nature and society, shows two axiomatic truths, that determine the change of conceptions and mentalities according to the economical development increase, to the general progress, living level and aspirations and interests. SAVE THE DATE: 25-26 October 2019 management; change management; supply chain and operations management; sustainable To achieve its objectives, sustainable development must determine, improve well. The effective performance of an organisation depends not just on the available resources, but its quality and competence as required by the organisation from time to time. Over the past few years, “Sustainable Development” (SD) has emerged as the latest development catchphrase. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A social objective is a statement that details a specific desired outcome of a project that is related to the interaction of the individuals, groups, and institutions within a society. economic, ecological, and social, and their complex interrelations, which are investigated in article in more details. Section 2 contains two subsections: the first, nceptual precursors of the concept of sustainable developm, ent and the second presents the concept of sustainable, Finally, Section 5 presents the preliminary, Theoretical approach to the concept of sustainable development. Published by Elsevier B.V, Peer-review under responsibility of Academic W, Available online at, 4th World Conference on Business, Economics and Management, WCBEM, entire human development. Com o trâmite no Congresso Nacional brasileiro em caráter de urgência, o Projeto de Lei (PL) 3.729/2004, que dispõe sobre o licenciamento ambiental visando regulamentar o inciso IV do § 1º do art. According to C. A. Moser: “Social research is a systematized investigation to gain echanisms that ensure lithosphere and biosphere. Probleme Filosofice si Metodologice ale Dezvoltarii Durabile. xڕXM���ϯ�)�����K�v�'�cOʇ�8$a�$h�����R���rj�� �_�~�w���EeB���CU��[��f��Q���*��� Development of individuals and societies results in increasing freedom Then the analysis of the concept of sustainable development is given. The design of a clear strategic framework for modernizing cadastral infrastructure will provide more excellent social stability and expand the prospects for economic growth within post-conflict communities. ile being conordanta demands international cooperation. practice philosophy of sustainable development without a change of mentality. ��=|�?��ԭx|�ı���~��x��ß�~y�̘-$Y�"ݖ���#ɫR4��7�uj+���zxǛ�~s��ڊ���|�'գx���Q�����%7[�RI��b�?�~�Y�i�M*�
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The role of stakeholders is critical in addressing challenges with or problems in small-scale sports events. numerous factors that intertwined and exercise a strong The merger of the Department of Social Development and former Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities hasbrought positive ments and led to a consolidation ofimprove Women, Children and Disability agenda under a Social Development family. Rusandu, I., (2008). stabilization of demographic evolution, classical, over widespread introduction of renewable resources and, Their definition must consider systemic approach, nable development based on utility functions spec, ific to each subsystem and laprecizarea general systems, Rational and fair management of mineral reso, An important role in this direction lies in. This case study focuses on the World Junior Alpine Ski Championships 2019 in Trentino Val di Fassa—Italy (JWC2019). Probleme Filosofice si Metodologice ale Dezvoltarii Durabile. ity and accounting of national development strategies. Social Development Meaning of Social Development Indicators of social development Objectives of Social Development Principles of social development 1.0. Among the objectives of the project, which will run between 2019-2021, we mention the participation of 450 students in information-counseling activities in order to increase the participation and the level of education, especially for the disadvantaged groups, with a particular focus on reducing the number of students who have difficulties related to integration in the academic environment, respectively of insertion in the labor market after completing their studies. The framework for cross sectoral social policy provides a conceptual model for the analysis of the goals and instruments of policy. 400 549 300 300 333 576 453 333 333 300 310 500 750 750 750 444 Social development aims at freeing people of pain, difficulties, shackles, limitations, drudgery, injustice, ignorance, lack of skills and lack of knowledge. development and respond to possible food insecurity accentuated by draught. 250 333 500 500 500 500 200 500 333 760 276 500 564 333 760 500 Other social protection objectives focus on longer-term development and supporting people to move permanently or stay out of poverty (Babajanian et al., 2014). ... brings all stakeholders to mutually agreed social objectives that are coherent with . /Width 405 Academia de Stiinte a Moldovei -Institutul De Filozofie, Green industry means economies that seek a more sustainable growth path, making public investments that prioritize the balance between the social and environmental dimensions with the business environment of the economic dimension, in addition to the implementation of public policy initiatives that encourage private investments responsible to reinforce sustainability. For this reason, in the article we presented several descriptions of sustainable development that would include multiple aspects of this concept. Academia de Stiinte a Moldovei -Institutul De Filozofie, 500 556 500 500 500 500 500 549 500 556 556 556 556 500 556 500 %���� stream A wide range of nongovernmental as well as governmental organizations have embraced it as the new paradigm of development. The paper presents the evolution of the concept of sustainable development, which militates for the continuous improvement of quality of life, taking into account the rational and efficient use of resources, how it managed to become, in a relatively short period, the concern of the entire world and why it becomes the principle that lays at the basis of all policies. 722 722 722 722 722 722 889 667 611 611 611 611 333 333 333 333, is a global aim; analysis of sustainable development, implies a systematical approach of the economico, ideas is heavily required by the recognitio, economical objectives, social objectives (welfare and. natural resources, sustainable development is a, growths, quality of life and environmental preservation, g global problems such as depletion of natural reso, urces, damage to the natural environment, economic and, to the development paradigm shift from consumption to, -review under responsibility of Academic W, sections. The Social Development Strategy (SDS) articulates the role of the City of Cape Town in promoting and maximis-ing social development. The United Nations Sustainable Development Summit for the adoption of the Agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals was held during three historic days in New York, 25-27 September 2015. utilization of potential technological and informational. The main objective of community development is working to make the people aware from various problems in a community. It is suggested that if SD is to have a fundamental impact, politically expedient fuzziness will have to be given up in favor of intellectual clarity and rigor. /DecodeParms << /K -1 /Columns 405 >> The process does not relate to any particular set of objectives and between the risk and cost of capital there is a directly diverse influences of development including social, economic, political, cultural, ethical, and ecological, and religious. economic development" The goal of social development in the context of modern welfare is to produce a social well-being that makes people capable of acting and making their own decisions in the broadest sense. Forecasting firm revenues can be UNITED NATIONS TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD: THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT A/RES/70/1 These are: sustainable development is a global aim; analysis of sustainable development implies a systematical approach of the economico-social-ecological three-way system; sustainable development implies a profund change in the mentality of the social system. 556 722 667 556 611 722 722 944 722 722 611 333 278 333 469 500 O presente estudo tem como objetivo criticar o contexto jurídico de proposta legal e analisar a importância da manutenção do processo de licenciamento ambiental em função do alcance de um Desenvolvimento Sustentável pautado por aspectos econômicos, ambientais e sociais, como instrumento de atuação para um ambiente saudável com emancipação social. The goals depicted by a development agenda – theoretical, practical or both – constitute the development ideologies defining the dimensions of the development … Debates on sustainable development presented in the literature can be classified into several thematic areas: a) conceptual; b) contextual; c) academic; and d) geopolitical, which are investigated in the article in more details. ithout diminishing the welfare of future generations. 500 500 500 500 500 500 722 444 444 444 444 444 278 278 278 278 Although the essence of the concept of sustainable development is clear enough, the exact interpretation and definition of sustainable development have caused strong discussions. influye en las condiciones y capacidades competitivas de una organización. 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 549 500 500 500 500 500 444 500 444 The main findings of this study show that residents differ from tourists and other stakeholders in terms of their perception of the event and its strengths. Key objectives and programmes The key objectives of the Department of Social Development for the medium term are: To contribute to poverty eradication To mitigate the social and economic impact of HIV/Aids on poor households and children Part 2 of the social development approach uses this analysis to point to a focussed strategy for social policy that will enhance social development and promote the achievement of desirable social outcomes. They are home to capable people providing social and technological advancements. Economic Development Goals and Objectives 1. Environmental economics and sustainable development Probleme Filosofice si Metodologice ale Dezvoltarii Durabile, Munasinghe, M., (1993). 13. Objective Indian Economy and social Development continues to provide a pool of Objective type questions on different aspect of the Indian economy & social development. /Producer (BCL easyPDF 6.00 \(0320\)) © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. 17 0 obj endobj The main expected results of the project are: /Creator (NitroPDF 6.0) José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra. maintaining dynamic stability macro system components to the ecosphere, including macro system itself. Similarly, the difference in the level of performance of two organisations also depends on the utilisation value of human resources. These objectives are: economical objectives, social objectives (welfare and equity) and ecological objectives (biodiversity and resources). doctrine and concept inclusion in national strategies are. 1.1. Good, objective obser-Social and Emotional Development of Children n California Training Institute n California Childcare Health Program n 3 vation skills are the key to identifying what children need. >> Exploatarea resurselor naturale si conceptul de dezvoltare durabila. 250 333 555 500 500 1000 833 278 333 333 500 570 250 333 250 278 Despite the indisputable results obtained in genetic, rmful effects of biodiversity and the env, ation criterion structure and functioning of humanity and the equitable. proportional, meaning that a large debt (pay equity) and A sustainable development must be backed up by economical growth, in line with the requirments for ecological balance and the entire human development. [K��\�Ȑ��+���V!d5M��aX+ 500 778 333 500 500 1000 500 500 333 1000 556 333 1000 778 667 778 722 667 722 722 722 722 722 675 722 722 722 722 722 556 611 500 -300 students informed and advised to access tertiary studies Examina direitos teóricos e práticos da Constituição Brasileira de 1988, discute as implicações desses direitos para a realização do procedimento de Licenciamento Ambiental, na esteira do impacto ambiental que eventualmente resultaria em danos ambientais, argumentando que os novos direitos do PL 3.729/2004 poderiam estar se constituindo em uma grande regressão, indo contra as políticas ambientais atualmente constituídas, sendo incompatível com os direitos ambientais. 250 333 408 500 500 833 778 180 333 333 500 564 250 333 250 278 endstream Therefore, the acceptance of sustainable development ideas is heavily required by the recognition of the fact that the past models for economical growth, all have limitations and flaws.As an answer for the above conclusions, it can attach three categories of economical objectives to sustainable development. Conference Centre of Politehnica University of Timisoara (Romania) Post-conflict reconstruction is essential as it assigns the future shape of the country, and it is mostly determined by the commitment and capacities of local populations, including national government and civil society, to maintain the process. Pelas conclusões depreende-se que apenas uma condução mais ampla e democrática poderá prevenir uma catástrofe entre os instrumentos ambientais previstos pela legislação e pela Constituição Federal para as presentes e futuras gerações. consumption and waste products do not exceed th, on human health, plants and animals. This paper presents the need for a better management of the, The Rome Report, published in 1972, drew attention on the contradiction between unlimited growth and consumption in relation to the limited resources of the earth. 18 0 obj There is also the view which sustainable development requires growth in, ogical balance and the entire human development, proach takes into account all aspects related to human pr, ogress, science culture, civilization, equality and equity, From what it finds is a broad definition, which sh, at comprehensive sustainable development should be cent, ered on people, without neglecting the other components, Less evident is the side on equal opportun, s between generations, extremely sensitive, It is worth mentioning that there are research, onships between human nature for a new partnership, mited to economic growth and quality assurance environmen, t, but must include a favorable framework for solving, In this vision integrating sustainable economic development is, e form or type of evolution that combines balanced econ, mited by availability of natural resources and the existence of, use and therefore should be considered influence on the, gs forth a new set of values that will guide future. financial crises repeated, and increasing consumption led. Not all relations identified in a sustainability analysis have the same relevance and the same meaning for the strategic instruments of regional sustainable development. It also shows that although EU established that sustainable development is the principle on which all European policies are based, and practically competition dominates the political agenda, in fact, the two strategies reinforce each other. 930 722 667 722 722 667 611 778 778 389 500 778 667 944 722 778 endobj Social development is the framework of norms, guidelines and standards that govern human interactions. social development. /CreationDate (D:20090726152931+10'00') /Filter /FlateDecode The ways of achieving the welfare above is a minimal system of coordinates of evolution, far from covering the, balance is directly proportional to the flexibility of inte, human, environmental and technological), hence. ] Objectives of Organisational Development 3. It helps them to provide knowledge and to know about the main causes affects their social life. /Rect [90 609.4493 150.155 597.9297] Following are the main aims and objectives of community development: 1. Developmental social welfare Developmental social welfare is a pro poor approach adopted in the welfare sector designed to meet the goals of social development (Patel, 2005:206) which emphasises social investments that promote economic and social inclusion of the poor (Midgley & Therefore, it is necessary to identify the challenges, obstacles, and issues inhibiting the approach of restoring and sustainably developing the current system. 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 549 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 his work was partially supported by the strategic grant POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137070 (2014) of th, erational Programme Human Resources Development 2007. 2. Characteristics 4. La muestra seleccionada incluye 19 empresas pertenecientes al índice COLCAP entre los años 2013-2018, utilizando como unidad de análisis los reportes corporativos, agrupados en cuatro categorías: Reporte Anual (RA), Reporte Combinado (RC), Reporte de Sostenibilidad (RS) y Reporte Integrado (RI). ractions between the four fundamental systems (economic, Defining objectives and targets to be achieved, chievement of objectives simultaneously complex and simple like this through the design and implementation, future profit maximization replacing ecological secur. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la evolución en las revelaciones no financieras de los reportes corporativos en Colombia. Published by Elsevier B.V, ways to create economic welfare given the turbulent environment in. 500 778 333 500 556 889 500 500 333 1000 500 333 944 778 556 778 ANNALS OF THE ORADEA UNIVERSITY Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering. Valentin Munteanu, West University of Timisoara At its core is a focus on medium and long term without increasing consumption of natural resources beyond the capacity of the Earth. LOCATION Steps. One. rinciples aiming at economic development. /ColorSpace /DeviceGray Assuming certain risks requires a certain All sided development. The first component is esential, in the sense that the aim of social and economical activity is to satisfy human needs or desires, resulting for the three dimensions of human existence: biological (present in the interactions with the physica, natural environment), In a society in which the economy was affected by the financial crisis, managers need to effectively manage their available resources. The main objective of this research is to describe a proposed approach for a reconstruction process oriented towards building an electronic multipurpose cadastre in support of sustainable development from an international perspective in line with modern technology. requires appropriate risk. The goal is to understand their perceptions with respect to different topics and in particular to the sustainable development of the tourist destination. The UK Government has recognised four objectives for Sustainable Development. economic and financial return that to compensate. Often our social objective is related to improving human wellbeing. Buletinul AGIR 1, 20-24. Metodología: Se realizó un análisis de productividad en tres unidades productivas rurales en el departamento de Caldas, Colombia, a partir de parámetros tanto de proceso como de manifestación de la territorialidad. 778 333 333 556 556 350 500 889 333 980 389 333 667 778 389 556 Summarizing, it can be said that sustainable development br, model of economic and social progress, aimed especially human values and needs of present and future natural, Analyzing the above definitions, it follows that sustainable development has the following features, not a voluntary choice, more or opposable potential of a pa, realistic, responsible and beneficial to all nations, wh, using classical methods of analysis and statistical indicators, for scientific understanding of ecosystem functioning, involves. Article aims to analyze the main indicators for the analysis of the goals and instruments regional. 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