Participant. There are many home remedies to get rid of slugs in your house; some of these work and some don't, and we shall cover that as well. I do get a bit fed up of cleaning my windows only to find slime trails all up them. They lived close to each other in separate streets of the same suburb. "Salt can be a very good barrier, but this will only be worth it if you can create … I will have to keep this in mind in case they ever to. It works really well, is easy to fix, and lasts for around three years before it needs replacing. There is a smaller white or black slug that loves lettuce and things and makes a real mess of things. Thanks for your comment Cynthia. Great information here and lots of options. Herbal repellents If its any consolation Daffy I regularly find them in the house, we have not had a chance to put the flooring down and they get in between the skirting and floor boards….. Yuck, have I missed anything haven’t been G/c for a while been very busy on the allotment and other related jobs, anyway slugs because the winter has been warmer than most years slugs have basically been enjoying the mild weather ready to come out in spring and have a feast on our crops, we use organic slug pellets on open ground and the non organic on the razed beds that are netted but its quite costly having to keep up with the slug population after the heavy rain as it seems to wash away the pellets, but I have been doing some trials on an organic method that seems to be working as I said its only at its trial stage and I’m yet to see if its going to be successful I’m presently trialling on my razed beds, the only downside is it may be no cheaper than the ones already on the market but could be more effective because you only use it once and it last the hole season, will let you know after the I’ve completed the trials and the formula to make your own, Look forward to hearing what your secret weapon is Roly, Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total), Write your own blog or article, or post a video, This topic has 8 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated. By Peter van der Sluijs (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via. Slugs don't like to crawl over anything scratchy like sand that cuts. Always wear gloves when putting this on, as the metal edging is very sharp and will cut you. @LiteraryMind: Well I hope you never have a problem with them but if you do at least you know where to come to find out about getting rid of them. The main drawback of using this is that you do need something to attach it to, and in certain circumstances, it can be very difficult to keep it on. This is especially true in older houses and any house that has dampness. I have a backyard and at the moment have no plants - but I still have loads of snails. Get them as quickly as you can because they breed faster than rabbits. They also insist upon spreading their slime across the deck before finishing up and going away. I would love to hear your update. So, put copper bands around your flowerpots or beds to deter them from crawling up and onto your plants. The normal name for them is the "field" slug Deroceras reticulatum The other type is a brown colour but they are slightly smaller called the keeled slug. Make the ground unappealing to slugs. Slug killers work quickly. Home › Forums › Gardening Questions › Slugs – Why do they climb walls. Avoid any type of ground-covering plants, as slugs are experts at hiding under them. They breed very quickly and can grow to about 3" long and also quite fat. In my flower pot on the kitchen counter. Odd, and very disturbing how my life is being ruled by slugs at the moment. I hope you have found this helpful and that you are able to get rid of slugs from your home quickly and, hopefully, for forever. But inside my water pressure is … Repeat daily until the slugs are gone. Winter is a good time to deal with slugs. Never had slugs in the house yet but they do get onto the Patio where I sometimes walk on them accidentally, Enjoyed this lens. There can be many reasons behind the stay of snails on your house but three reasons are major. I like your idea about throwing salt on them. Would you like to write for us? I had to be careful using these as well. I'm bit more squeamish and try eggshells and coffee grounds, but usually follow your 'poke and pail' approach when that doesn't work. Shudder... this gives better alternatives! How Do Slugs Get in the House? In the kitchen? Don't waste time with beer traps—they are a hit-or-miss method. Some of them worked for a while, but the slugs returned. The slugs can be picked up with a paper towel and salt put on them to kill them and thrown away. This really goes for anything that sits on the ground. It attracted quite a few wild birds that apparently helped eat the slugs. How do I stop the pesky things? I've seen them on stoops. Good job. I truly enjoyed your writing style! A simple way to cure that is to fill the gaps up as best you can. Trust me, I had a personal vendetta against slugs for many years because they destroyed my flowers for years. Add some tree bark around bushes or better still some gravel or fine grit. You will find more and more slugs in my country Australia, specially in spring. I am not quite sure how they manage to actually get under these, but they do. In fact, any of these items can be used as lures. Is your home suffering from a bee infestation? Enda McLarnon (author) from Belfast, Ireland on December 04, 2012: @AnimalHouse: Thanks for the kind comment. Shelly Sellers from Midwest U.S.A. on November 26, 2012: I never thought I would like a Slug, but I like your lens and help :) We had them in the yard and it was icky! Enda McLarnon (author) from Belfast, Ireland on November 18, 2013: @applejacking: Thanks Rarity and now you know the best ways of getting shot of them. I had a weird dream the other night that a slug snuck up on me and stole my penguin biscuit, it was crawling really slowly and then suddenly took me by surprise, snatched the biscuit and 'ran' off cacking (it grew little tentacle like legs in my dream). They have been crawling up walls in my daughters corner where she kept her laundry and now just found one crawling on my blanket in bedroom. Quite large slugs can squeeze through rather small cracks/gaps. 4. No more holes. I can't stand those nasty things..worse than a snake!! They can also get in through any gaps in old doors or windows. Very interesting information. Damp conditions allow algae to grow - this will attract slugs and snails too - get yourself a nice tub of salt and use it liberally around doors and other areas where you find the slugs - they will soon get the message that this is no longer a pleasant place to be and leave for elsewhere 7.1K views View 1 Upvoter Thanks for sharing this lens. Apparently one of the reasons slugs may venture into the house (particularly an old house) is because they are likely to be cool, dark and moist so if you have a damp problem that could be one reason. I suggest you sleep … Your immediate problem - getting the slug trails off the side of your house - is going to take a little elbow grease. @CoolFool83: Thanks and I think a great many people would share your opinion. Now I don't eat lettuce at all. A great way to do this is to use copper tape. That pretty much takes care of them. Everytime it rains, the icky things come out. Well, we're looking for good writers who want to spread the word. Ooh Sheila, slug porn, now that’s something I could not put up with, I will have to put a stop to that, there are enough of the blighters as it is without them using the house as a breeding ground. … According to Google, slugs climb in order to suspend themselves from a thread of mucus, in order to mate – so you may be witnessing part of a riotous mating ritual, which I would very quickly interrupt….. June 16, 2016 at 10:23 am #39677. gertie. If you'd prefer not to use bait or poison, a trap is a good solution. Very useful tips, these pests eat everything in the garden. Because they will graze on it. That is certainly an interesting one to try to not one that I have heard of ever before. What if they are still babies, the ones I have in my home are about 1inch in size but they do look like they would turn into a full grown slug. Tolovaj Publishing House from Ljubljana on May 20, 2013: I never heard about copper tapes before. Enda is an avid gardener and also a builder who loves creative landscaping. All slugs like three conditions that will allow them to breed and thrive: I usually see slugs in basements, hallways, kitchens, and even inside living rooms. Moist plant debris, underneath rocks, low weeds, mulch and fallen logs all provide hiding places for snails and slugs. The septic system is often forgotten by homeowners until something goes wrong, and then, many times, it is too late for a simple solution. Get in touch with us… I've had slugs in the garden before and, you're right, they are destroyers. ... Could be your sewer pipe has broken, and the slugs are crawling up it into your kitchen. I noticed one on my bathroom window the other day - it must be at least 7 metres in height! How To: Get Rid of Slugs Slugs can do major damage to your favorite flowers and plants overnight. The good news is that slugs are not actually that clever, but boy, can they breed quickly! It is nonetheless true, and when it happens, it can be quite a serious problem. This slug has just squeezed through a crack. @Aunt-Mollie: Salt works great on these bad boys. Good luck! My cat loves catching them, but will sometimes just sit and watch them. I creep around the house hoping I don't touch, step or eat one..I'll die..there is not enough room for me & them..It's nice to know I don't have it as bad as the stories I've read..I'm praying for all of us to be rid of them..they are nasty & gal!! I don't think I've ever had slugs in the house, I guess that's good news! The time of year is important. Another is pet food. They seem particularly fond of bedding plants, which are low to the soil. One solution for getting rid of slugs would be to release a bunch of red bellied snakes in you home because slugs are their favorite food and they are a nice gentle little snake that does no harm...but I don't think that will catch on in popularity. Adding some decaying fruit underneath a board in a damp area will also draw in slugs so you can remove them. @TolovajWordsmith: The tapes work great around the doors but to require annual maintenance. It seemed to get rid of those slimmy guys and I hope they don't come back! That is priceless! I asked my neighbor if he was having similar problems, and he said that he had been tortured with slugs at one time. Salt. We use the Scotts brand you have listed above. The frustrating thing about battling slugs is that you feel you made some progress, but the slugs just come back year after year. I can assure you that this is not true—it is simply the environmental conditions of where you live. The tape is a cheap and easy method to end your problem. All slugs like three conditions that will allow them to breed and thrive: Darkness; Dampness; Smooth Surfaces; I usually see slugs in basements, hallways, kitchens, and even inside living rooms. Interesting! Most slugs are light brown or gray in color, although the famed banana slug of the Pacific Northwest is often a bright yellow. My kids are also frightened of them, and my wife hates them with a passion. Enda McLarnon (author) from Belfast, Ireland on December 17, 2012: @cynthiannleighton: As a kid I used to love doing that. Wearing rubber gloves, throw the slugs in a plastic bag, seal, and dispose. You must be logged in to reply to this topic. They clime up my house onto my back deck, around the cat food/bedding. I moved into my fathers old house..his house is a breeding ground for moistures afters yrs & yrs of leaks and the area being low & a lot of grass. The best and quickest way is just to kill them. I have hear though I am no expert that a good citrus spray will take care of them pretty quickly and is a good natural option. I'll remember that! The whole box of 24 jumbo sidewalk chaulk cost $1.00. Since I don't have small animals or kids I'm going to put that bug getter around everywhere. We like to make our houses look nice with flowers and planters, but don't leave them right outside your door. They hate any type of rough surface so anything that provides that will really help. Moist locations are especially attractive if a … Slugs need moisture to live. How to prevent slugs in your house. I'll share some good tips for getting rid of slugs in your home and keeping them out of your yard and walls. Well, maybe a couple of explanations: It is usually claimed that these snails climb on objects to avoid the higher temperatures found on and near … This especially happens in utility rooms when they manage to get in there. Enda McLarnon (author) from Belfast, Ireland on April 07, 2014: @GrammieOlivia: Thanks very much for your very kind comments and I am so pleased that you found the information so helpful. He loves to share his tips with those who enjoy their gardening, By Filip Vaculík (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikime. Many people believe that it may be that their house is dirty and that is what attracts the slugs in the first place. First, all vents near the ground should be covered with a fine wire mesh and sealed. Strangely enough, research shows that slugs and snails cannot tolerate crawling on copper surfaces, which gives them a mild electrical shock when they crawl over it. For example, you can spray a band of waterproof WD-40 around your containers, and the snails and slugs will be unable to climb up it. We only have so much time in the garden so have to make use of all the ways available as help for us! It is also harmless to wildlife, family pets, and children. They did not come through the cat flap. Why Are There Snails on My House? Yech! You could also glue loose sand over a large cardboard and lay it down at night where the slugs are entering/exiting once you learn that and lift it during the daytime. Enda McLarnon (author) from Belfast, Ireland on December 03, 2012: @AnimalHouse: You are welcome and I am glad you found it useful. Sprinkling sand around edges would work too. They look horrible and leave a slime trail everywhere they go. There are a number of them on the market, and as an avid gardener, I have tried a number of them. If you have a leafy garden, moss, or any type of slimy surface close to your house, slugs can get in through vents and under or through skirting boards. That makes it different to slug killers such as pellets. There's moisture where they are. @anonymous: Thanks for the tip. How to stop Slugs/Snails from crawling on my house and back deck? :). The only thing I can say about that is that there are more slugs than I had time to get rid of, both in my garden and just outside my house. It works great for wrapping around flower pots and tubs. This is a viable option if you are not squeamish. Furthermore, how do I stop snails coming into my house? I've used this tape a lot around the back and front doors as well as certain areas of my garden. Is it the side of the house that has lichen or mosses growing on it Ali.? Thanks:). A great tip is to use slug-killer granules really early in the spring when slugs start to breed a lot. Pretty reasonable if it works,which it looks like it does!! As must as I dislike roaches and water bugs, I never seen those nasty looking creatures until I move to SC. Simply poke a stick into them and drop them into a bucket of water. I have seen them literally destroy a small vegetable garden in a single overnight feast. Slugs! @norma-holt: Thanks for your kind comments. I am not quite so fond of it these days. I have used these in my garden and other people's gardens, and they have all reported great results. The septic system is a dark moist place teeming with beneficial bacteria, but it can also be the home to worms and insects that can make their way up … The ceiling in my grandmother’s house fell in because they had squirrels and apple trees. Salt will kill plants. Slugs come out at night, so any of these options will require a nighttime walk around the garden. Well my problem is that it is not in a garden there under my house and I don’t know how to get rid of them and it’s winter time also I thought they didn’t come around in the winter time but they do anyway they’re coming up under the house through the baseboard getting in the living room in the kitchen any ideas. @anonymous: I hear you. Well done. Erin Mellor from Europe on July 24, 2013: My brother strolls around each damp evening with a pair of sturdy scissors he reserves for slug slicing. They are especially good for vegetable gardens or lawns that have plants that are low to the ground. Enda McLarnon (author) from Belfast, Ireland on October 25, 2013: @tonyleather: Thanks Tony, I hope you found it helpful. I, Colae [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC BY-SA 2.5-2.0-1.0 (http://c. Recently it has been found that snails carry the Pig Liver Worm which gets into the human and into the brain through lettuce that is contaminated when they crawl over it. Slugs have a great sense of smell so will make a … WD-40 is waterproof, so it will … Enda McLarnon (author) from Belfast, Ireland on December 06, 2013: @Stephanie36: They are rather ugly things for sure and come out mainly at night. Coffee grounds may deter some species of slugs but their effectiveness as a deterrence is varied––some gardeners have found that snails and slugs just speed up to get past the grounds quickly. Slugs in house should be banished to the chicken house. According to Google, slugs climb in order to suspend themselves from a thread of mucus, in order to mate – so you may be witnessing part of a riotous mating ritual, which I would very quickly interrupt….. Sheila! Put some around the outside of the house. Slugs feed on plants and weeds, so if you have any outside your door, slugs will like the environment. You may notice that around this season, slugs tend to disappear. @Erin Mellor: Hi Erin, yes that is as good a way as any. The slime is organic, and in my experience usually breaks down in the rain and sunlight over time. Frankly I’ll be joining the slugs in climbing the walls (although not to have a slimy mating meeting) if this darned torrential wet stuff doesn’t desist and soon It simply stops them in their tracks and sends them off in a different direction. I am from Brooklyn, NY. *sigh*. I hat it. I like using the tape because I found it worked best. We traced them to a narrow gap round the outflow pipe of the kitchen sink. Tiny Garden Snails. My hostas were riddled with holes from slugs. The salt must be applied directly to the slugs, which isn't a lot of work if you only see a few slugs on the deck each night. It uses an organic solution that doesn't actually kill the slugs. Slugs and snails hate crawling over scratchy surfaces, so try surrounding the stems of your plants with crushed eggshells or insert a sand-paper collar around the stem. Sorry grumble over. When we had a cat, slugs would appear to eat the cat food in a bowl by the back door. To deter snails in your container garden, you can set up barriers around your plants or their containers. Slugs can get into your house a lot more easily than you may think. As to why they enter the house, they must detect the smell of something edible. It does no harm every now and then to do a quick check, especially if the pot is sitting close to any of the entrances to your home. In North America, slugs can measure up to 10 inches long. Does anyone else have this phenomenon, or have any idea why they are doing this? I'm going to make sure this get on the Weekend Gardeners page here on FB. My other concern was that I have kids and a dog that could get into poisonous pellets or sprays. Try planting flowers that don't trail along the ground, and keep the soil well aerated as you go. I know many people are too squeamish to do that and that's why things like the barrier tape work so well. That makes a very short path for them, and slugs move a lot faster than you might imagine. One the slugs eat the bait, they’ll stop feeing and then crawl away to die a few days later. They make slugs disappear and stop breeding, which really is the biggest issue with slugs. And going away better still some gravel or fine grit through rather small cracks/gaps loves catching,. Questions › slugs – why are slugs crawling up my house do they climb up the walls around the doors but to require annual.! 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