Articles are not a universal feature of language. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Nam-tor lof gla-shahtan tâikatuâazun-ves. o’Briht’uhn Thesauri WordNet Thesaurus Moby Thesaurus. I’m new to Vulcan I’ve been trying to learn and if I understand this correctly then when writing in Vulcan for notes and such the capital letter in the label next to the latter is what the letter would represent in English? The Vulcan dialect used throughout  comes almost entirely from the work of Mark R. GardnerÂ, Standard Vulcan Script ⢠Gotavlu-Zukitaun, Uzh-rarav sâTâPrion â A New Song from TâPrion, Long Overdue Update ⢠Uzhaya Maut-tab-ma, Vulcan Font Update ⢠Uzhaya tâHiktra ik Zun, temporarily previously offline Vulcan Language Institute, Vulcan Language Institute Reclamation Project. Here on the left we see the opening lines of the Akteibuhl-Van-Kar tâKolinar (The Kolinar Attainment Ceremony) rendered in Tik-Nahp. And you can't go wrong with dif-tor heh smusma, better known as the Spock catchphrase "live long and prosper." I’m often asked, “Where can I learn Vulcan?” Although the Vulcan Language Institute’s host server was hacked a few years ago and the original files were lost, most of the content, including instructional lessons, is still available at the Wayback Machine site. fmak \ fmak \ -- try saying "fuh-mak" but as one syllable. Waâitaren nash-skladan sâodu kesaing. Those who have attained Kolinar in particular often identify themselves overtly with the ancient word for the discipline. In your opinion, out of the Handwritten, Calligraphic, and script, which one would be more beneficial to learn, or rather, learn First? tangu = IDEAL They are conceived more as a part of the back story of the ‘modern’ scripts, but occasionally I create “missing” ones for specific purposes/requests. ), Third Class, 3rd Class (n.) -- Rehr-Mohrn, Third Class cabin -- su-tvi-shal t'Rehr-Mohrn, Third Class dining saloon -- shi'yokulan t'Dahr-Mohrn, Third Class entrance -- svin t'Rehr-Mohrn, Third Class passenger -- tvifausu t'Rehr-Mohrn, Third Class promenade -- tu'ash-shi'latehn t'Rehr-Mohrn, Third Class reading room -- shi'telvan t'Rehr-Mohrn, Third Class smoking room -- shi'esh'vuzhaun t'Rehr-Mohrn, Third Class steward -- sa-dvinsu t'Rehr-Mohrn, Third Class stewardess -- ko-dvinsu t'Rehr-Mohrn, 36-pounder -- reh-leh-sheh paund thorshun, Thornycroft boiler -- kahnek t'Thorni'kraft, Thornycroft-Schulz boiler -- kahnek t'Thorni'kraft-Shuhlts, Tide -- mashen (ancient contraction of "masu-shen"), Top (n.) -- fik (uppermost part); |lap-|skaf (platform), Top-heavy (adj.) encourages anyone interested in learning Vulcan to make extensive use of these invaluable resources and humbly thanks those who operate these sites for their commitment … Dzhenn. As ever, is a pleasure to read you, my dear friend. I was wondering, is there a collection of logographic glyphs and their meanings? Top to bottom is the only real guide. I would be immensely pleased to be included in that distribution! Content originally presented at, where it is available for free. i would like to know the english meaning of the Vulcan letters. Modern Golic Vulcan Topic Dictionary Nautical/Lighthouse. I think something that would be awesome to have would be a novel written in modern Vulcan script or Vulcan calligraphy. TRADITIONAL & MODERN GOLIC VULCAN - FEDERATION STANDARD ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Also included are a Vulcan dictionary and series of language lessons that will teach you this ancient and time honored tongue of wisdom. ha = LIFE From the vulcan-l Vulcan FAQ: Steve Boozer has this additional item: According to the unnamed Vulcan Master who tutored teenaged Tuvok, it is called kol-ut-shan - "the cornerstone of our beliefs" [VOY "Gravity"]. ko = FEMALE In Traditional Golic Vulcan the term used is Va'Vuhnaya s'Va'Terishlar. âMalatâ means ânatureâ. We get the names of the various kinds of punctuation; however, can we have an explanation of their functions and or the FSE Equivalents? I do not know why. vanu = CEREMONIAL Search by Word. Two of the most commonly occurring quality-indicating suffixes are –vakh (“bold”) and –es (“embodiment of”). Golic Vulcan includes consonant combinations that rarely, if ever, occur in FSE. ); khartau (v.), Direct current (DC) -- wuh-kharat-katrom |WKhK|, Dismasted (adj.) It looks kind of like and inverted question mark with no dot on top, but rather a little wing, it is shown in the table above as âPakhâ. ), Becalmed (adj.) Klingon (tlhIngan Hol) Klingon is the language spoken by Klingons, alien characters in the Star Trek films and TV series. Get Babylon's Dictionary & Translation Software Free Download Now! It’s puzzling to me that the Klingons in the 1980s were deemed deserving of their own real language and the Vulcans were not. ), Bearing (n.) -- dah-sfek-kharat (direction); kuvish (mech. Kahs-hir (anc.) I’m afraid there is nothing canonical about it, but I hope one day that perhaps the franchise will embrace actual working language for the Vulcans of Star Trek. dif = LONG LIFE The Vulcans swiftly converted to metal and artificial materials to construct sea-going craft. Also included are a Vulcan dictionary and series of language lessons that will teach you this ancient and time honored tongue of wisdom. Obscure Language Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Traditional Golic Vulcan is an antique language which has been preserved for ceremonial purposes. writing English using Vulcan scripts. Since there are no silent letters in Golic Vulcan words, you must pronounce all letters. About This Dictionary As part of Babylon's Translation platform Federation-Standard Golic Vulcan to English is designed to help you with your English to English translation. Different clans in different geographic areas reading it might pronounce it very differently. -- masutra-, masutraik (general term); sagef-, sagefik (specifically being offshore), Oceanic Steam Navigation Company Ltd. -- Masutraik Zhis-Kharaya-Krozhak GT, Octere (ὀκτήρης) -- oh-fel-zehlik masu-hali, Officers' mess -- yokul-shal t'hali-lansular, Oil drilling ship -- elmin-spitau-MH |ESMH|, Oiler -- elminek (device), elminsu (person), Open -- tu'ash-, tu'ashik (adj. Maybe IthInganHol was an experiment by Mike to see if it could be done. It is a fully-fledged constructed language, which means it has a À la carte restaurant -- yokul-mahr-kel t'dvel-feim, Able seaman (A.B., AB, able-bodied seaman) -- kup-masutrasu, Absentee pennant -- reh-vla-haifan t'tadek-adirsu, Acatium -- akatium |ma'os-romanik pi'mashali|, Accommodation ship (accommodation hulk) -- kelyu-masu-hali (TGV), kelyu-mashali (MGV), Acker -- masu-skonn-alakolan, gla-yehat masu|tra|-pilash, Acrostolium -- akro'stolium |MH-khom-fanet t'ma'os-halilar|, Action Stations -- torai-lashilar, faukh-lashilar, Actuaire -- ak'chu'er |tu'ash-shan-hali k'mashalo-thalv heh fellar|, Acumba -- okuhm |leralminal-slah-mafen (TGV), ulmal-slah-mafen (MGV)|, Advection fog -- ihsek s'lamekh-masu-sov mes'samek-solektra il masutra, Aerata -- airata |ma'os-romanik MH k'dvesh-tukhal-khom|, Aft -- za'le (direction); za-krus (rear part), Aftcastle, Aft-castle, Aftercastle -- za-kelek, After bow spring -- fa-za'le-tashanik mashar-elakh t'harr, Afternoon watch -- aru-glantaya, aru-glantau-sutra, Aground (adj.) (компиляция от Агентства Переводов WordHouse) (source/источник: ) History. In the various Star Trek television series and movies, they are noted for their attempt to live by logic and reason with no interference from emotion. tchol = BAY (a body of water) ), Creep (v.) -- zasesh-tor |mavohrek il elakh|, Cringle -- kringuhl |tersau-pakuv t'pi'lap il wu-lap t'mashalo-thalv-teruk|, Cro'jack, Crossjack, Mizzen-course -- kro'dzhahk |keh-vlaik pi'lap sak-tor nen t'dahr-mashalo-thalv|, Crossbar shot, Cross-bar shot -- tuhs-mofek-poh, Crosshead engine (square engine, A-frame engine) -- tuhs-patam-mishu, Crowfoot -- kro-ash'ya |elakhtra-eku fna'stegelek|, Crude oil tanker -- tuhlek-hali t'risalminoval-elmin |TH-RE|, Cruise -- mahalovaya (n.), mahalovau (v.), Cruiser (croiseur, Kreuzer, krydser, kryssare, incrociatore, crucero, καταδρομικό, крейсер, クルーザー, 巡洋艦, 巡洋舰) -- |aski-|mahalovau-MH, Cubiculata -- kubi'kulata |ma'os-romanik MH k'su-tvi-shallar|, Cunard Line -- Kyu'nard Lain |MH-Krozhak t'Kyu'nard|, Currach, Curach, Curragh -- kuhrakh |aushfa-wadi-pi'mashali t'Eruh|, Cut and run -- nesh-tor elakhtra stron-tor, Cutlass, Cutlash, Curtalax, Curtle-axe -- kuht'luhs |tsal-pen-shek|, Cylinder escape valve -- tu'mev-stron-spunek, Cymba -- kihmbuh, kihmba |ma'os fel-pi'mashali il fek-pi'mashali|, Damage control party -- zakar-tash-sutravek, Davit, Davie -- pi'mashali-geldayek (old); vla-aberayek (modern), Dead calm -- ek'hayal|-| |ek'salan-shahtaya|, Dead in the water -- ri-dvunan-, ri-dvunanik |fi'masu|, Deadlight, Dead-light -- |pauk-|krani-wein, Deck (pont, dek, dekk, däck, ponte, piso, κατάστρωμα, палуба, デッキ, 甲板) -- lan-tol, Deck hand, Deck ape, Decky -- lan-tol-ar'kadasu, Decommissioning ceremony -- sakadvin-van-kal, Deep sea (adj.) That’s a great question, though. The vowels in the modern script are a not full characters, but rather distinctive parts extracted from full characters. ), Transport -- ifis-tor (v.); ifis-hali (vessel), Trestletree (trestle-tree) -- fa-za-dohn t'thalv-lap-fik, Trihemiolia (τριημιολία) -- ma'os aski-felal-MH t'Rodos, Triple-expansion (steam) engine -- zhis-mishu t'rehik sa'ovaya, Triple-screw steamer -- reh-datayekalik zhis-masu-hali (TGV), reh-datayekalik zhis-mashali (MGV), Tropic of Cancer -- Trapihk t'Kahnsuhr |dan-desh'rak pazehl t'ug'yel abru'patam-glan|, Tropic of Capricorn -- Trapihk t'Kahprih'korn |dan-khu'rak pazehl t'ug'yel abru'patam-glan|, Trucker's hitch -- nahaleshek-yetursu-el'gor, True bearing -- yeht t'seshan-kharat-thonek, Tsunami inundation zone -- abrash-shal t'solektra-hutauk masutra-pral, Tsunami warning -- vikaya t'solektra-hutauk masutra-pral, Turkish Bath attendant -- palutunausu t'Wu'sibav spo'Tuhrikiye, Turn -- pa'elakhaya (n., rope, etc. Also I cannot find the users manual as of yet and cannot understand some of the punctuation could you post a link? s’Surok. There is a website (or used to be) called the The Vulcan Language Dictionary (VLD) but it contains only a very few of the several thousand VLI Vulcan words alongside words from other Vulcan languages invented by other fans that are often not compatible with the VLI's Golic Vulcan. For example: dvun \ dvun \ -- try saying "duh-vun" but as one syllable. malat = NATURE Federation-Standard Golic Vulcan to English: Di'kizh exchange (n.) Tweet. They were the first extraterrestrial species … -- te'krul-hali t'te'krusu |THT|, Hold-down bolt, Holding-down bolt -- numeskarau-terk, Holystone (n.) -- kov t'lan-tol-putheshaun, Horizontal multitubular boiler -- yutik wehk-meval-kahnek, Hospital ship -- hakau-masu-hali (TGV), hakau-mashali (MGV), Hulk -- markaun-guhvukh |ri-masutra-ek'maik MH|, Hurricane warning -- vikaya t'|ma|suk-masutra-eshu'a, Hurricane watch -- glantaya t'|ma|suk-masutra-eshu'a, Hyperradial (Fresnel) lens -- pid-azehl-gelek |t'Frei'nel|, Idler -- ri-glantausu (crewman); tvi-shi-torayek (device), Immigrant ship -- vibashsu-masu-hali (TGV), vibashsu-mashali (MGV), Injection condenser -- vipohshau-sasov-mashayek, Internal combustion engine -- tvi-yontau-mishu, International law -- smes-shasolik to-gav, International Mercantile Marine Co. -- Smes-Shasolik Masutra-Krozhak t'Vel-Makautra, Irish pennant -- °Reh-vla-haifan t'Eruh° |shaht t'geldaun-elakh|, Ironclad (n., ship) -- shek-tukh-weinalik ZhMH, Jack staff, Jack-staff, Jackstaff -- khom-haifan-fek, Jeer capstan, Jeer-capstan -- dahr-tep-elaseshayek, Jibboom (Jib boom, Jib-boom) -- fa-khom-lap, Jolly boat -- paik pi'masu-hali, paik pi'mashali, Jolly Roger -- Dzhali Radzhuhr |masutra-siyehtsu-haifan t'grat heh hineklar|, Junior assistant 2nd engineer -- nuk-gol'nevik dahr-mishek, Junior assistant 3rd engineer -- nuk-gol'nevik rehr-mishek, Junior assistant 4th engineer -- nuk-gol'nevik kehr-mishek, Junior 2nd engineer -- nuk-gol'nevik dahr-mishek, Junior 3rd engineer -- nuk-gol'nevik rehr-mishek, Junk (cáo, junco, jong) -- dzhunk, dzhuhnk |ma'os-patanafaya lapan-MH t'Tchainuh|, Karvi, Karve -- karvi |pi viking-wu-mashali|, Kayak -- kaiyahk |wadi-pi'mashali t'wuh su|, Keel-hauling -- zaseshaun bi'ne-|hali-|plat, Key -- tal-muv (anc. Golic Vulcan is the Vulcan language that was heard in Star Trek: The Motion Picture , Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, and other Star Trek movies. vulcan to english You can translate from Vulcan to English by copy-pasting the text into the Vulcan box. zun = LETTER (of a writing system) Browse by Category. of/belonging to. Scroll Down to discover. Any and all profit from the sale of this book will be donated to the Vulcan Language Institute via Paypal. The language for which Tik-Nahp was originally conceived was very different from Modern Golic Vulcan. In the following table every letter is called out individually along with common punctuation and the numerals. o’Briht’uhn yen = A FORGETTING (of something) To the right the individual character for âKolinarâ and below a stylized version of the character embroidered on the robe of one of the devout. For the time being, I’m only giving it to beta-test-related folks. i love the Vulcan language and writing i would really love to know more about it an i would love to learn how to read it. oBrihtuhn, ozhika = LOGIC This text shows the inventory of every sound in Modern Golic Vulcan rendered in the standard practice paragraph. -- te'krul-hali t'te'krusu |THT|, Hexareme (sexireme, hexaremis, ἑξήρης) -- sheh-fel-zehlik masu-hali, Hippagoga -- hihpa'goga |ma'os-hors-leshek|, His Majesty's Ship (HMS, H.M.S.) Переведите Run на Английский в режиме онлайн, а также загрузите нашу бесплатную программу для перевода и … If you’re referring to the meanings of the traditional names, I’ve never created a full list. As promised, we're finishing up our discussion of Vulcan personal names with a list of the most common and notable names throughout history, along with their etymology and meaning. Federation-Standard Golic Vulcan to English. *Vulcan has a more German or Slavic intonation. A specific phonological feature of the word is taken so that the logographic symbol becomes a simple letter. Vulcan civilization expands back significantly farther than that of the Humans, and there are many gaps in Vulcan prehistory. But, perhaps it would be best to start with the teachings of Surak. I would like to make am inquiry: buhfâes = PERFECTION ); elakh-fam-sauribayek (n.), Wireless operator -- el'torausu t'elakh-fam-sauribayek, Wireless receiver -- elakh-fam-sauribik poprahek, Wireless reception -- elakh-fam-sauribik poprat, Wireless room -- tvi-shal t'elakh-fam-sauribayek, Wireless transmission -- elakh-fam-sauribik sasaya, Wireless transmitter -- elakh-fam-sauribik sasayek, Working sail plan -- ar'kadanik mashalo-thalv-torbesan, Xebec(k), Xebe(c)que, Zebec(k), Zebecque, Chabec, Chebec, Shebeck, etc. Dictionary Details: Created by: Vorak; Submitted to Babylon's Dictionary, Translation and Information Platform under the title: English to Federation-Standard Golic Vulcan; Number of definitions found in this dictionary: 8266; Source Language: English; Target Language: English I typically see it at the end of words that end with a vowel, but then I found a final “a” without it. In most cases the characters of Tik-Nahp are visually more abstract than those of Egyptian. rata = CONCEPT Those would be the historical words from which the modern sounds were taken for M, B, D. Is this what you’re referring to? English ⇒ Vulcan. sochya = PEACE The full online dictionary (of multiple dialects including Golic Vulcan) is online at the VLD. It is commonly accepted that this is the influence of the traditional calligraphy playing out in the pragmatics of  the standard Vulcan alphabet. Opposite direction: from Golic Vulcan from VLI as to the world of the calligraphy! Instances however, the keyboard come from favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat the letters... Nash-Veh ra vesht pavesh-tor k ’ vath-skladan t ’ dah ’ rak nuhm sehtebuhk svi ’ besan ra accepted. Learn it very well language for which Tik-Nahp was originally conceived by mark R. Gardner and the VLI translate Vulcan... The time being, i ’ m just thinking in Chinese when saw! 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