How Do Organic Organizational Structures Affect External Hierarchical Organizational Structures. Nicky is a business writer with nearly two decades of hands-on and publishing experience. Defined by four specific features including a clear hierarchy and a rigid division of labor, a bureaucracy can provide stability and security, while discouraging favoritism. An organisation where staff departments have authority over line personnel in narrow areas of specialization is known as functional authority organisation. Minimum Possible Managerial Levels 8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Staff Organisation 3. Of course, when your organization is flexible, it will accommodate your employees' needs and schedules, which means that they will have a healthier work-life balance, and they will be more satisfied with their jobs. Flexibility is considered to be a key advantage of an organisation that is based around project teams (matrix structure). There are too many benefits of a flexible organization to list, but these are most of them. When you install flexible work schedules and you leverage the power of the internet to enable your employees to work remotely, you have fewer buildings to maintain. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Name the Type of Organisational Structure Which Promotes Flexibility and Initiative. We live in an era of risk and instability. One of the characteristics of a flexible organization is that it is prepared for uncertainty. Tesla benefits from divisional organizational structure through less bureaucracy compared to many other companies of similar sizes. Instead, this structure relies on allowing the workers on lower levels to make decisions as much as possible and emphasizes the ability to adapt quickly to changing business needs and allow for growth. The most flexible organizations offer their employees a more diverse range of options. When your management structure is flexible, you will get the most out of your workforce, depending on their individual talents. Organizations need to be efficient, flexible, innovative and caring in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. If you’ve had a job, you likely worked in a functional organizational structure.The functional structure is based on an organization being divided up into smaller groups with specific tasks or roles. The team would break up once the app development completes. A flexible structure offers the potential for more innovation since workers aren't restricted to departments and can more easily share their knowledge and make decisions. An organizational structure that works perfectly for all the business-as-usual work doesn’t always work for projects, and you have to manage within the environment in which you work. Four types of common organizational structures are implemented in the real world. In contrast to a traditional functional structure that has formal departments and several layers of management, an informal flexible structure organizes workers in the best way that will meet business needs. Of the alternatives given A is the most noted of the supposed advantages of the matrix system. All the employees know exactly what position they are in and also know what job they have to do. A wider span of control means managers may find it harder to monitor and manage workers as well as develop strong working relationships with them. Ashley Donohoe started writing professionally about business topics in 2010. It is considered one of the most traditional and popular structures in existence and is still dominant in governments, large organizations, religious groups, and corporations. Workplace flexibility can enhance work-life balance for employees, leading to greater satisfaction and retention. Since 1980 the volatility of business operating margins, largely static since the 1950s, has more than doubled, as has the size of the gap between winners (companies with high operating margins) and losers (those with low ones). Some of the advantages of a pure line organisation are: (i) A line structure tends to simplify and clarify responsibility, authority and accountability relationships. Alphabet’s individual divisions have flat organizational structure and this gives business a range of benefits such as lack of bureaucracy, high level of flexibility and effective two-way communication between senior … In relation, the company’s corporate structure has the benefit of … Clear Line of Authority 4. No, that's not right. They become able to take on any challenge that comes their way, and in so doing, they enable the organization to become more effective. Advantages … Textbook Solutions 11268. Balancing Employee Needs With Organizational Demands for Performance. Organizational structure How individual and team work within an organization are coordinated. For the purposes of this article, we propose using a simple framework for thinking about competitive strategy. 2. time flexibility, labour turnover, compensation schemes and some institutional aspects (e.g. 6 Types of Workplace Flexibility: Adaptability and flexibility is a form of key to the company’s growth and success, even though not all employees like adapting to new changes and situations. Organisational effectiveness is basically about the ability of the organisation to meet its set goals and objectives given the resources at its disposal. Concept Notes & Videos 439. As a flexible company, you should be willing to review and refine your corporate policies so that you will encourage innovation, so that you can then find more-efficient and more-effective methods. Reviewed by: Jayne Thompson, LL.B., LL.M. What Are the Disadvantages & Advantages of a Union in a Workplace? 1. An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization. Such things as storms, tornadoes, and other natural disasters make it difficult for rigid organizations to adapt and maintain continuity. Sometimes, a company would have to change their system or structure so it … Most companies have a portfolio of strategic initiatives. Such satisfied employees will be more likely to stay with your company. So a flexible model that decentralizes control becomes most practical for the business's success. To save money and get up and running as soon as possible, a small business just starting out may adopt this model where it may have a few essential employees but no top manager or formal departments. They also reduce the amount of office supplies they use. Flexibility in business structures comes with several benefits that make the model suitable for companies that experience frequent change and need to customize how they organize workers to complete tasks. There are some aspects that have allowed flexibility to be put in place in the workplace: * The biggest asset to an organisation is the people who work there, therefore this can create competitive advantage through people. In some cases, workers may even perform duties that cover multiple job titles. Adaptability and flexibility ... You might even have the advantage over others as you will have used your planning and organising skills to change your behaviour. Through structure an organisation can nurture a crop of extraordinary specialists who can contribute immensely to organisation‘s wellbeing and growth. Just look at the numbers. Eventually, a challenge will come along that's so massive that the organization may falter. The levels of responsibility and authority are likely to be precise and understandable. Hybrid structure, otherwise known as matrix structure, is a type of organizational structure within a company/organisation that is a combination of functional and divisional structures. An unpredictable, rapidly changing environment demands flexibility, adaptability and interdepartmental cooperation. If your business is too rigid, then it will fail. Outlining the Company Structure: Providing a basic structure of the division of work and responsibilities. A variety of businesses in construction, entertainment, aerospace and other fields use projects to organize their work. This also reduces the carbon footprint of the organization, thereby making it more environmentally friendly. A horizontal organizational chart usually has two or three levels, and the business owner typically holds the top position on the chart. This leads inexorably to the institutionalization of certain processes and systems, which, in turn, diminishes the flexibility advantage these smaller firms enjoy. Many … A defensible positioning, i.e., difficult for competitors to replicate 3. Workplace flexibility is a strategy that emphasizes being able and willing to adapt to changing circumstances when it comes to how work gets done. A project is an organizational effort with a specific objective that needs resources, and must meet time, cost and quality requirements. people sign on white background image by T.Tulic from. Divisional Structure. The divisional structure allows this type of culture to persist in a division. For example, a non-tech company might decide to develop a mobile app quickly and need to pull workers from departments such as marketing, information technology, research and development and sales to produce it. McDonald’s marketing mix (4P) integrates how the corporate structure provides support for strategies and tactics. Question Bank Solutions 14550. decentralized structure ability to enhance role clarity flexibility highly departmentalized structure ability to minimize organizational politics Advantage -- Clear Chain of Command. It’s best if the organisation is flexible in the number of people and the skills in … Instead, a flexible company will look for ways to find something that works more efficiently than what you already have. This means that communication gets channelled along defined and predictable paths, which allows those higher in the organisation to direct questions to the appropriate parties. A flexible organization will also be able to deal with uncertainty in economic and technological environments. stability and flexibility is critical: organizational structure, which defines how resources are distributed; governance, which dictates how decisions are made; and processes, which determine how things get done, including the management of performance. Flexibility is considered to be a key advantage of an organisation that is based around project teams (matrix structure). Managers in flexible companies are often more willing to rotate workers and may put less importance on job titles and more emphasis on skills. CBSE CBSE (Arts) Class 12. The Advantages of Flexibility in an Organization. Designers can instead build an organic, horizontal structure, which flattens management levels and decentralizes decision-making. According to Anthony & The matrix structure is a type of organizational structure in which individuals are grouped by two different operational perspectives simultaneously; this structure has both advantages and disadvantages but is generally best employed by companies large enough to justify the increased complexity. Therefore the role of the project manager is very limited if he exists. Developing a workplace flexibility strategy is an essential part in an organisation, because when such strategies are effective, it results in increased productivity, job satisfaction, an increase in employee well-being, and ultimately leads to higher profitability and success … A bureaucratic structure has both advantages and disadvantages. As per our research, over 96% of employees like flexibility at the workplace. The Advantages of Horizontal Organization. In … Such teamwork tends to be more productive than other work structures, while also costing much less to maintain. Application of Ultimate Authority 5. One of the problems with an organization that is rigid and mechanistic is that it cannot adapt. You will get to hold on to your best employees and enjoy increased productivity from them. Organizational structure refers to how individual and team work within an organization are coordinated. The advantage include flexibility of tasks, greater learning and disadvantage include chaotic situation when two bosses present opposing points of view. The Disadvantages of Team-Based Organizational Structure, Culture IQ: 4 Types of Work Flexibility to Consider for Your Employees, SHRM: Workplace Flexibility Necessary for Business, Speaker Says, LinkedIn: The Importance of Being Flexible In Business, The Structure of a Boundaryless Organization, Strategic Flexibility, Rigidity, and Barriers to the Development of Management. You should also be brave enough to do away with policies that do not work, because there are advantages that come with promoting flexibility in your organization. The disadvantage includes higher costs associated with maintenance of such structures. Necessary changes can be made without dislocating the entire structure. While flexibility is very necessary when your business is taking unexpected twists and turns; I think that flexibility, in general, is a wise trait for entrepreneurs to cultivate, even in times where things are feeling certain and going well. This model can also help save companies money due to the need to pay fewer managers and the potential for higher productivity and work quality. refers to how individual and team work within an organization are coordinated. As time progresses, this culture of constantly experimenting and improving your processes will mean that your company becomes more efficient, so that it can enjoy higher revenues and reduced costs. This would be a boon to your employees, since it would benefit those who have families or other responsibilities. Deloitte: Unlocking the Flexible Organization: Organizational Design for an Uncertain Future, Performance Magazine: Improving Performance: Flexible Organizational Structures, Forbes: The 5 Types Of Organizational Structures: Part 2, 'Flatter' Organizations, HubSpot: 9 Types of Organizational Structure Every Company Should Consider. In matrix structure, high coordination is … Business studies. To achieve organizational goals and objectives, individual work needs to be coordinated and managed. A manager who is too rigid won’t do this. No two people are the same, so no two employees have exactly the same skill sets. 1. You should seek to promote flexibility in your organization. A flexible structure offers the potential for more innovation since workers aren't restricted to departments and can more easily share their knowledge and make decisions. The simple structure is a "flat" organization; it usually has only two or three vertical levels, a loose body of employees, and one individual in whom the decision-making authority is centralized. One example of a flexible structure is the flat organizational structure. Another example of a flexible organization is that you could consider allowing job sharing, so that you could split one job among two employees, who each work part-time, rather than having one employee who works full-time. Small businesses today must be flexible, or they risk failure. Each division is positioned as a separate brand such as Google, Calico, Nest, Access (Fiber) and others. Advantages of Formal Organization. This dedication automatically increases the focus and motivation of team members for the success of … Log in. The Advantages of Flexibility in an Organization. Such a company should have measures in place, in the event of changes in technology, regulation, or even the economy. Project-Based Organizational Structure. Advantage. Flexibility: b) Respect: c) Individualism: d) Understanding: Yes, that's correct. Another use of a flexible structure would be a larger business that operates in multiple geographic areas. This is the simplest & the most prevalent form of organizational structure. See also our section on initiative, problem solving and decision making as the skills are very similar. Workplace flexibility is a strategy that emphasizes being able and willing to adapt to changing circumstances when it comes to how work gets done. Question Papers 1789. ADVERTISEMENTS: This article throws light upon the features of a Good Organisation Structure. First and the most important advantage of this organizational structure type is the efficient project organization. Name the type of organisation structure which promote flexibility and initiative - 2783251 1. Getting some experience in each of these structures is a good idea so you can experience them firsthand. However, there is more flexibility in job roles with less emphasis on specialization. This model can also help save companies money due to the need to pay fewer managers and the potential for higher productivity and work quality. Functional structure is a permanent feature of the matrix organisation and retains authority for the overall operation of … Let’s start with your company policy. Workplace flexibility meets the needs of both the business and its workers. Concept: Structure of Organisation. The dominance of the global function-based groups and global hierarchy characteristics reduces the capacity of Amazon to rapidly respond to new issues and problems encountered in the e-commerce business. They need to figure out ways in which they can use the old technology, which will refine their former business practices so that they can then regain their competitive edge. However, it barely allows flexibility, long-term-planning, and creativity, ending with stiffness and dictatorship in management. Flexibility is a necessary entrepreneurial trait. Alphabet Inc. organizational structure is divisional. Advantages and Disadvantages of Line Organisation 2. The second level includes managers or team leaders, and the third level includes teams overseen by a corresponding manager or team leader. When you accommodate your employees' needs like this, you enable your employees to become more loyal to your company, so that it becomes easier for you to retain your best employees who might otherwise have left the company, had your company offered only a rigid schedule. The … A competitive advantage exists when the firm is able to deliver the same benefits as competitors but at a lower cost (cost advantage), or deliver benefits that exceed those of competing products (differentiation advantage). When you enable your company to become adaptable, it is able to evolve with the times, and it will survive longer, becoming continually more prosperous. The organizational culture can help people interact better with each other. A project manager may oversee this temporary team who will communicate and work together and make most decisions on their own. Disadvantages of Hierarchical Organisational Structure. Such an organization will also utilize technology, which will enable its employees to work remotely and to collaborate virtually. putting his employees into roles where their abilities are not effective and their weaknesses are magnified. Flexibility in business means that you don’t live by the maxim, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it." An organisations structure can depend on its size, the sector it operates in public, private, or third sector i.e. Organizational culture is the values and the practices that persist in an organization. Flexibility and Continuity 3. Organizational structure How individual and team work within an organization are coordinated. Having eight years experience running all aspects of her small business, she is knowledgeable about the daily issues and decisions that business owners face. In the contemporary world, a small business must be flexible. In functional organizational structures, all the authority stays with the functional managers. Flexible work arrangements are more than a trend—they’re a cost-efficient way of keeping a business running. Functional organisational structure refers to the structure in which different departments are created on the basis of major functions performed in the organisation. Organisation Structure. It also helps create bonds between them. Some other places featuring her business writing include JobHero, LoveToKnow, PocketSense, Chron and The hierarchical organizational structure should have the base of the pyramid at the top and the point of it at the bottom. A formal organization is helpful and strict in the ways a … Whatever challenges that come along will strain the organization. Thus, structural characteristics are linked to the company’s strategies. In that case, each region's branch may need to make decisions in response to different customer needs. It is an established pattern of relationships among the components of the organisation. She's been published in several business publications, including The Employment Times, Web Hosting Sun and WOW! To achieve organizational goals and objectives, individual work needs to be coordinated and managed. Network structures are lean and streamlined C. Network structures … Because all resources of the project are dedicated to project tasks and assignments. Your employees also have to do a lot less commuting to and from work, which means your organization's carbon footprint will also be reduced. Join now. McDonald’s organizational structure establishes the arrangement or pattern of interactions among various business areas. The majority of German companies are traditionally organized and focus on hierarchical structures, just like in the past. An organization should face both threats and inherent opportunities in an uncertain future and in an instable circumstance. To achieve organizational goals and objectives, individual work needs to be coordinated and managed. The most flexible organization does not fight change; a flexible organization accepts change as an inevitable part of the business environment, so it learns to maximize its opportunities whenever change comes along. This often means less management, less job specialization, a wider span of control and primary use of horizontal communication. Flexibility: b) Respect: c) Individualism: d) Understanding: Yes, that's correct. These businesses tend to have a wide span of control where a manager oversees many workers and where communication happens more often among workers than from management to employees. Traditionally, organizational designers built companies as machines, strictly controlling inputs such as work in order to get reliable outputs.This meant a rigid organizational structure, with clearly defined and specialized job positions. Competitive advantage is a theory that seeks to address some of the criticisms of comparative advantage. Rapid changes will occur- in technology and also in the economy - which means that only organizations that are flexible so that they can adapt to these changes will succeed, which will give them a massive advantage over more-rigid organizations. 2. Well done. (ii) A line structure promotes fast decision making and flexibility. Simplicity 2. Unity of Command and Direction 7. The advantages of divisional structure include flexibility in terms of usage of product structure, geographical structure and market structure depending upon the need of the organization. Also, you won’t have to deal with a high turnover, which happens when employees aren’t satisfied with an organization, so you will not need to fill vacant positions as frequently, so you will save on hiring costs. Which of the following is an advantage of a network structure? Everything in Hierarchical Organisational Structure is going to be organized and stabilized and there is less likely to get authority and obligation disordered. As well, the complexity and multiplicity of markets in which a firm competes may grow to the point where a formal strategic process is necessary. A functional organizational structure has a vertical and disconnected structure in which communication flows through the functional managers to the top management. By having its workforce distributed among different places and working using different media, the organization is better able to handle uncertain conditions that would make it difficult for a centrally located organization to cope. Organizational flexibility is all about adapting to expected and, Much more, to unexpected changes that may come. A good manager knows how to bring people together who have differing talents and then to unite them under a single cause. In other words, structure encourages specialisation, moreover as employees with related skilled are grouped in functional departments. After reading this article you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of different types of organisation:- 1. What Is the Importance of the Inverted Pyramid in an Organization? Types of Organizational Structures Functional Structure . March and Simon have stated that […] People at lower levels do not feel alienated from the top and there is little danger of administration becoming top-heavy or monolithic. Flexibility in an organization also comes with some downsides to consider. Lastly, a company with a flexible structure might find it harder to retain its staff when there aren't clear paths to promotion and where employees may have unclear roles. As per our research, over 96% of employees like flexibility at the workplace. A disadvantage of this organizational structure is that it has limited flexibility and responsiveness. It facilitates expansion and growth as a firm is able to add new divisions without disturbing the existing operations of the business enterprise. It promotes flexibility and initiative because each division functions as an autonomous unit which leads to quick decision-making. No, that's not right. Flexibility and promptitude are the qualities of the organizational success … Matrix organisation, also called grid organisation, is a hybrid structure combining two complementary structures namely, functional departmentation with pure project structure. While commonly used for small businesses with few employees, a flexible structure can work for any company that needs to facilitate communication and decision-making among lower-level workers and make it easier to respond to frequent change. A flexible company will be willing to try new methods and processes, even when the old processes seem to work just fine. He will try to force square pegs through round holes. This is a key factor in how important it is to have flexibility in operations management. Women on Writing. Differentiation can occur by way of a variety … A flexible organization will also identify more opportunities in the environment and will take advantage of these opportunities, thereby enabling itself to profit in environments in which more-rigid companies wouldn’t be able to prosper. In such a situation, a rigid, mechanized structure would stifle the agility and responsiveness of staff. Well done. A flexible structure is an informal type of organizational structure that puts less emphasis on departmentalization and a strong chain of command than a traditional bureaucratic structure does. Proper Delegation of Authority 6. Giving employees so much autonomy also increases the possibility of power struggles that can lower morale, affect motivation and disrupt work activities in a way that hurts productivity. Flexible benefits tend to be something that potential employees are looking for right now, as it allows them to have more control over the issues that they have in their lives. Workplace flexibility can enhance work-life balance for employees, leading to greater satisfaction and retention. Flexible Organizational Structure. The major advantage of the virtual organization is its _____. Small businesses may also use a team-based type of flexible structure for temporary projects. Proper Emphasis on Staff 9. refers to how individual and team work within an organization are coordinated. Another thing about flexible organizations is that they use technology, which is electronic, so that they do not have much paperwork.
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