George Grenfell AIM seeks to help new believers grow strong and healthy in their faith and to see new believers enfolded into a maturing church. Its initial base was among the Kamba in the present Eastern Province of Kenya. Africa Inland Mission is an evangelical Christian mission agency serving in over 20 African nations. Scott Theological College in Kenya helped train African church leaders. More important than specialized training, AIM found acceptance among tribal people based on Christian commitment and moral standing. History. Besides evangelism, workers of the mission ran clinics, hospitals, schools, publishing operations, and radio programs. Helen Roseveare Established in 1895, Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a Christian mission sending agency focused on Africa. Klaus Fiedler, The Story of Faith Missions (Oxford: Regnum Books, 1994), 74, 253-266. Africa Inland Mission had its beginning in the work of Peter Cameron Scott (1867–1896), a Scottish-American missionary who served two years in the Congo before being forced to seek medical care in Britain in 1892 because of a near-fatal illness. Mission Africa (formerly known as the Qua Iboe Mission and subsequently the Qua Iboe Fellowship) is an interdenominational, evangelical, Christian mission organisation. While recuperating, he developed his idea of establishing a network of mission stations which would stretch from the southeast coast of Africa to the interior's Lake Chad. In 1909, a station was set up in what was then German East Africa and later became Tanzania. Background He had gone round the Cape of Good Hope in the Indian Ocean. In 1895 they formed the Philadelphia Missionary Council. Africa Inland Mission had its beginning in the work of Peter Cameron Scott (1867–1896), a Scottish-American missionary who served two years in the Congo before being forced to seek medical care in Britain in 1892 because of a near-fatal illness. Their stated mission is to see "Christ-centered churches established among all African peoples." Our Mission and Vision. Christian Ignatius Latrobe Additional workers arrived from Canada and the United States and the small group expanded to fifteen. More important than specialized training, AIM found acceptance among tribal people based on Christian commitment and moral standing. Welcome to Pray Africa – a ministry website of Africa Inland Mission dedicated to helping believers from around the world to pray for Africa’s unreached peoples. The Mission Handbook gives AIM's goal "to plant maturing churches...through the evangelization of unreached people groups and the effective preparation of church leaders. Nairobi: Paulines Publications Africa, 2007. The Council began to take more responsibility for the work and appointed Hurlburt director of the mission. The organization aims to invest in the lives of current and future church leaders so they can effectively affect the lives of others who can in turn reach out to the vast population of Africa and beyond. Missions timeline Paris Evangelical Missionary Society London Missionary Society Africa Inland Mission Missions in Kenya Africa Inland Church Evangelicalism Missions History Decolonization African Christianity: Issue Date: 4-May-2017: Publisher: University of Stirling: Abstract: This thesis examines the relationship between the Africa Inland Mission (AIM) and the Africa Inland Church (AIC) in Kenya between 1939 and 1975. In 1912, Theodore Roosevelt pulled some strings, persuading the ruthless Belgian government to permit a mission station in colonial Congo. During that time he buried John and he himself became deathly sick from malaria, necessitating his return. Our passion is to see Christ-centered churches established and thriving among all of Africa’s peoples. When founded in 1887, by the Irish independent missionary Samuel Bill, the organisation ministered in Nigeria. Founded in 1895, AIM has a passion to see Christ-centered churches established and thriving among all of Africa's peoples, both in Africa and among African diaspora around the globe. Follow our story and let us share our vision with you. The Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a non-denominational Christian missionary organization that focuses on Africa. [2][3] Of the Kikuyu who showed interest in the Mission and its activities, many were from what would be considered the bottom rungs of society, lacking property and power, including ahoi (landless tenants) and people who were neither mbari nor riika leaders and unlikely to be so in future. One Saturday afternoon, April 7th, 1498, Vasco da Gama anchored off Mombasa near where Fort Jesus stands today. Africa Inland Mission had its beginning in the work of Peter Cameron Scott (1867–1896), a Scottish-American missionary who served two years in the Congo before being forced to seek medical care in Britain in 1892 because of a near-fatal illness. They arrived off the east African coast in October, and in little over a year they established a network of mission stations which would eventually stretch from the southeast coast of the continent to the interior's Lake Chad. Their goal is to introduce those who have never heard to the One who died to save them – Jesus Christ. And through leadership training and mobilization of African missionaries, we are strengthening and partnering with African churches as we together engage the unreached and look forward to seeing Christ-centered churches among all African peoples. In the 1930s he undertook a 16,000 mile tour of A.I.M. Church Missionary Society In 1895 they formed the Philadelphia Missionary Council. Africa Inland Mission (US) ... History Teacher and Subject Facilitator at Noble Network of Charter Schools. In 1943 AIM formally established the Africa Inland Church (AIC) in Kenya and in 1962- 1966 it helped create the Association of Evangelicals in Africa and Madagascar (AEAM). The AIM, in turn, started its work in Kenya in 1895 under its founder, Peter Cameron Scott. He also felt that he was on the right route to the realm of Prester John, a legendary African king of whom the people of Europe had heard much. The group consisted of Scott, his sister Margaret, and six others. We are part … Protestantism Scott Theological College in Kenya helped train African church leaders. Not only had he discovered a new route to India and the Far East, he had also discovered a way by which Islamic forces could be checked. Join to Connect. Baptist Missionary Society Established in 1895, Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a nondenominational Christian mission organisation focusing on Africa and islands in the Indian Ocean. He and his family moved to Africa and for the next two decades he provided strong, if not undisputed, leadership for the headquarters, established in 1903 at Kijabe, Kenya. He was unable to interest any churches in the idea (including his own), but managed to captivate several friends in Philadelphia. Their stated mission is to see "Christ-centered churches established among all African peoples. [4] The AIM provided such people with an alternative route to power and status, just as others were being closed off, offered a refuge for some from the egregious aspects of domination by colonial chiefs and their colonial masters, and also furnished an opportunity for what some regarded as a more satisfying spiritual life within the Christian faith. Africa Inland Mission had its beginning in the work of Peter Cameron Scott (1867-1896), a Scottish-American missionary who served two years in the Congo before being forced to seek medical care in Britain in 1892 because of a near-fatal illness. The Council was headed by Rev. SPG The Rift Valley Academy was built at Kijabe for missionary children. William Henry Sheppard The group consisted of Scott, his sister Margaret, and six others. Today, through God’s grace, calling, and power, Africa Inland Mission is overcoming obstacles to make inroads and make disciples among Africa’s remaining unreached, wherever they may live – from the center of the continent to the cities of Europe. AFRICA INLAND MISSION INTERNATIONAL - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual … [1], AIM's first missionaries set sail on August 17, 1895. The mission almost disbanded the following year when most of the workers either died or resigned. it dates to the 1890s and the creation of an independent missionary agency by Peter Cameron Scott (1867-96), an American then residing in Kenya. He was unable to interest any churches in the idea (including his own), but managed to captivate several friends in Philadelphia. Daniel Miller [1888-1965] was the Deputation and Editorial Secretary of the Africa Inland Mission (A.I.M.). The app is dynamically configurable and offers multiple modules you can enable/disable and rename, such as Events, News, Chats, and a Member Directory. The mission had four stations — at Nzaui, Sakai (Kenya), Kilungu, and Kangundo, Manyatta, all in Kenya. Berlin Missionary Society William Anderson Trans. On August 17, 1895, AIM's first mission party set off. Their stated mission is "seeking to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to the Peoples of Africa". The organization aims to invest in the lives of current and future church leaders so they can effectively affect the lives of others who can in turn reach out to the vast population of Africa and beyond. the Africa Inland Mission (AIM). Charles Hurlburt, president of the Pennsylvania Bible Institute, the organisation which provided most of the mission's workers in its very early years. AIM seeks to help new believers grow strong and healthy in their faith and to see new believers enfolded into a maturing church. Slavery Abolition Act 1833. They arrived off the east African coast in October, and in little over a year they established a network of mission stations which would eventually stretch from the southeast coast of the continent to the interior's Lake Chad. Maureen Eyles. THE MISSION OF AIM Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples. This page was last edited on 6 December 2020, at 22:12. WEC International, Pivotal events Work began in Uganda in 1918; in French Equatorial Africa (Central African Republic) in 1924; Sudan in 1949; and the islands of the Indian Ocean in 1975. "[1] AIM established the Kapsowar Hospital in 1933. While recuperating, he developed his idea of establishing a network of mission stations which would stretch from the southeast coast of Africa to the interior's Lake Chad. Founded in 1895, Africa Inland Mission is an evangelical, interdenominational organisation with the goal of seeing ‘Christ-centred churches among all African peoples.’ Find out more about AIM Select your country Here, in the initial period of 1895-1901, the Mission experienced a lot of hardships and difficulties, including AFRICA INLAND MISSION INTERNATIONAL - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual … Africa Inland Mission had its beginning in the work of Peter Cameron Scott (1867–1896), a Scottish-American missionary who served two years in the Congo before being forced to seek medical care in Britain in 1892 because of a near-fatal illness. In 1909, a station was set up in what was then German East Africa and later became Tanzania. Their goal is to introduce Jesus Christ to those who have never heard of him. Additional workers arrived from Canada and the United States and the small group expanded to fifteen. stations in Africa and this book records what he found. Samuel Bill The Rift Valley Academy was built at Kijabe for missionary children. [1] AIM established the Kapsowar Hospital in 1933. After Kijabe, AIM expanded to Mataara (1908), Kinyona (1911), and a dispensary (today a hospital) in Kapsowar (1933). In November, 2014, Hiram and Jessalyn were accepted as full term missionaries with Africa Inland Mission (AIM) and left for the country of Madagascar. Such an alliance with a powerful Christian king at the he… In 1912, Theodore Roosevelt pulled some strings, persuading the Belgian government to permit a mission station in colonial Congo. Slave Trade Act 1807 The organization was founded in 1895 by Scottish-American missionary Peter Cameron Scott of the International Missionary Alliance. Africa Inland Mission Anderson, Allan H. African Reformation: African Initiated Christianity in the 20th Century. In 1866 Hudson Taylor, his wife children and 16 missionaries left England for China. While recuperating, he developed his idea of establishing a network of mission stations which would stretch from the southeast coast of Africa to the interior's Lake Chad. Africa World Press, 2001. Rhenish Missionary Society From Kenya, the mission expanded its work to neighboring countries. Africa Inland Mission (AIM) had its beginning in the work of Peter Cameron Scott (1867-1896), a Scottish-American missionary of the International Missionary Alliance who served two years in the Congo before he was sent to Scotland in 1892 because of a near-fatal illness. The free AfricaBib App for Android is available here. The map shows countries in which AIM currently works, Prise de Jérusalem par Hérode le Grand.jpg,, TIMO, two-year Training in Ministry Outreach (, Synergy, is the name given to the Aim International (Europe) short-term mission programme (. Mobile private network for Africa Inland Mission International Incorporated. Work began in Uganda in 1918; in French Equatorial Africa (Central African Republic) in 1924; Sudan in 1949; and the islands of the Indian Ocean in 1975. The mission almost disbanded the following year when most of the workers either died or resigned. Besides evangelism, workers of the mission ran clinics, hospitals, schools, publishing operations, and radio programs. Christianity Established in 1895, Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a nondenominational Christian mission organisation focusing on Africa and islands in the Indian Ocean. American Board Christianity in Africa, People A History of the Augustinians and the martyrs of Mombasa (1568–1698). We have our roots in a small band of faithful men and women who, in 1895, ventured inland to reach Africans untouched by the gospel. Their stated mission is "seeking to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to the Peoples of Africa". Charles Hurlburt, president of the Pennsylvania Bible Institute, the organisation which provided most of the mission's workers in its very early years. In December 1896, Peter Scott died of blackwater fever. The China Inland Mission (CIM) was established by James Hudson Taylor on June 25, 1865. Mission Africa Africa Inland Mission is a Christian mission agency serving in over 20 African nations. The Africa inland Church is a conservative Evangelical church whose membership extends across Central Africa. The history of AIM has been characterized by efforts to reach out to Africa’s unreached, and the Lord has sovereignly established many churches in Africa among… Vision 2020 - Africa Inland Mission on Vimeo Africa Inland Mission's stated mission is "to declare the Glory of God to the peoples of Africa". Heart of Africa Mission The Africa Inland Mission (AIM) was founded in 1895 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Gehman The Africa Inland Mission: Aspects of its early 119 In November 1890 Peter sailed to the Congo where he and his brother, John, served with the International Missionary Alliance for two years. (NB: Translated from the Spanish Los Agustinos en la Costa Suahili (1598–1698).) The churches founded by the mission in each of its fields were eventually organised into branches of the independent Africa Inland Church which continues to work closely with the mission today. The assignment was for two years in a program called TIMO, which stands for Training In Ministry Outreach. [5], Africa Inland Mission's stated mission is see "Christ centered Churches established among all African peoples." Mary Slessor We have our roots in a small band of faithful men and women who, in 1895, ventured inland to reach Africans untouched by the gospel. The Council began to take more responsibility for the work and appointed Hurlburt director of the mission. Missionary at Africa Inland Mission (US) United States 500+ connections. Alexander Murdoch Mackay Eager to reach the inland provinces of China with the gospel, the mission called people to prayer and sent out waves of workers to China throughout the late nineteenth century. The Council was headed by Rev. Africa Inland Mission; former legal name: Africa Inland Mission International (Australia) Inc. (discontinued in 2018) trading name (registered 2000) AIM International; (trading names discontinue in … In December 1896, Peter Scott died of blackwater fever. Africa Inland Mission serves and partners with churches to fulfil the Great Commission and advance the gospel among Africans who have the least opportunity to … The purpose of Africa Inland Mission International is to obey the Great Commission by evangelizing unreached peoples, establishing believers in local fellowships, edifying believers, developing effective Christian leadership, and encouraging local evangelism and … Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples. Periodical article: Title: The Africa Inland Mission: aspects of its early history The churches founded by the mission in each of its fields were eventually organised into branches of the independent Africa Inland Church which continues to work closely with the mission today. Established in 1895, Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a nondenominational Christian mission organisation focusing on Africa and islands in the Indian Ocean. David Livingstone AIM's goals include establishing maturing churches through the evangelization of unreached peoples, and through the effective preparation of church leaders. [2], From Kenya, the mission expanded its work to neighboring countries. Charles Studd, Missionary agencies Africa Inland Mission had its beginning in the work of Peter Cameron Scott (1867–1896), a Scottish-American missionary who served two years in the Congo before being forced to seek medical care in Britain in 1892 because of a near-fatal illness. Livingstone Inland Mission He was unable to interest any churches in the idea (including his own), but managed to captivate … He and his family moved to Africa and for the next two decades he provided strong, if not undisputed, leadership for the headquarters, established in 1903 at Kijabe, Kenya. Reaching Africa’s unreached. John Arthur Congo-Balolo Mission On August 17, 1895, AIM's first mission party set off. Mission. "[6], John A Siewert and Edna G. Valdez, Editors, Mission Handbook, U.S. and Canadian Christian Ministries Overseas (Monrovia, CA: MARC, 1998-2000), p. 110, "The growth and development of the Africa Inland Mission and Africa Inland Church in Marakwet, Kenya",, Religious organizations established in 1895, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The mission had four stations — at Nzaui, Sakai (Kenya), Kilungu, and Kangundo, all in Kenya. On 6 December 2020, at 22:12 agency focused on Africa 1930s he a. At 22:12 Network of Charter schools focuses on Africa – Jesus Christ to those who have never to! Several friends in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania da Gama anchored off Mombasa near where Fort Jesus stands today,,! Valley Academy was built at Kijabe for missionary children all African peoples. mission had stations! Buried John and he himself became deathly sick from malaria, necessitating his return healthy in their faith to. Oxford: Regnum Books, 1994 ), Kilungu, and radio programs International Alliance. 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